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It is the policy of the Capital Area Soccer Association (CASA) to provide a formal means for the resolution of conflict and addressing rule violations within the organization and among its members. Association members are players, parents, coaches, referees, and administrators who are registered with US Youth Soccer Association through CASA. The Conflict Resolution Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors, will uphold all policies and procedures of the CASA. Purpose: To identify procedures to resolve conflicts and investigate rule violations which arise involving players, parents, coaches, referees, or administrators.

Rule Violation Process:

1. At the beginning of each registration season members will be asked to READ a copy of the Code of Conduct regulations and a guardian/parent will sign via on-line acknowledgement stating that he/she has read and understands the Code of Conduct regulations. Once the form is signed by the guardian/parent, on behalf of themselves and their player, under the age of 19 (exception, HS players), it will be in effect from Fall Registration to Fall Registration.

2. The rule is for the entire participation year: Fall Registration to Fall Registration.

3. The rule involves all members: Player, Parents, Coaches, Board Members, Administrators and Referees.

4. Players under the age of 19 (not selected as a member of the HS team roster) will start with a clean slate each Fall Registration Year. Members 19 years and older will have an on-going process per infraction as leaders and role models within the organization.

5. Members observing a rules violation will present infraction to the Conflict Resolution Coordinator for confirmation process to begin. If the incident the infraction involves a Conflict Resolution Committee member’s immediate family member(s), the report should be made to the Board of Directors President.

6. Alleged violations will be investigated by a member(s) of the Conflict Resolution Committee and the assignment of penalties will be based upon confirmation of the allegations made and reported to the Board of Directors.

7. Individuals bringing allegations must be willing to identify themselves in writing per the Conflict Resolution Policy and may be called upon to meet with the person/persons against whom the allegations are made and/or their parents or guardians.

8. The Board of Directors decision will be final.

Due Process Note – A decision of the Board of Directors may be appealed in the following manner:

a. Players NOT on the current year HS roster; to the South Dakota State Soccer Risk Management director.

b. Players currently on the HS roster will follow ALL Pierre School District Extra Curricular Activities Due Process.

c. Adults will contact the SD State Soccer Risk Management director.

Player Due Process:

A player/parent who is informed by the board of directors, of his/her player violation, may request a hearing with the board of directors. The request must be made within 24 hrs so that a hearing can be held within 24 hours of the notification of violation. In the event that a player/parent requests a hearing regarding a players suspension from participation the Board of Directors shall:

A. Designate a date, time and place for a hearing.

B. Notify the Board of Directors of such meeting request.

C. Conduct the hearing in such a manner that the player has an opportunity to review the alleged violations, to ask questions and to respond to those alleged violations.

D. Meeting will be Moderated by a Risk Management director.

Adult Due Process:

A coach, parent and/or adult referee, who is informed by the Board of Directors of his/her violation, may request a hearing with the Board of Directors. The request must be made within 24 hrs so that a hearing can be held. In the event that a player or parent requests a hearing regarding a players suspension from participation the Board of Directors shall:

A. Designate a date, time and place for a hearing.

B. Notify the Board of Directors of such a meeting request.

C. Conduct the hearing in such a manner that the coach, parent, adult referee has an opportunity to review the alleged violations, to ask questions and to respond to these alleged violations.

D. Meeting will be moderated by a Risk Management Director.


(NOTE: Pierre School District Extra Curricular Activities contract Supersedes CASA Penalties for all players named to a HS Soccer Team Roster each Fall Season)


After confirmation of the first violation, member will have a face to face visit with the Conflict Resolution Committee (CRC) members for direction to correct the violation. If member is under the age of 19, face to face discussion will take place with guardian/parent present to address violation and set in place a correction to the violation. CRC will report recommendations to the Board of Directors. * Any violation confirmation involving the need of police assistance and/or a written police report can be processed without violation steps to immediate removal, pending violation per Committee and Board of Directors.


After confirmation of the second violation, member will receive a letter of warning regarding the infraction and steps to be taken to avoid any further violations. If member is under the age of 19, letter of warning will be addressed to guardian/parent and set in place a correction process to the violation. CRC will report recommendations to the Board of Directors.


After confirmation of a third violation, member will be asked to take a break from duties/playtime that the infraction took place at/during. The break will be based on the severity of the infraction and will not be less than one week away from duties/playtime to correct the violation, and will not be longer than 4 week If member is under the age of 19, third violation process will be done with guardian/parent present and set in place a correction to violation. CRC will report recommendations to the Board of Directors.


After confirmation of a fourth violation, member will be removed from duties/playtime. If member is under the age of 19, guardian/parent will participate in this violation process and set in place a correction process to the violation. CRC will report recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Grievance Procedures:

1. Any member of CASA having a grievance which he/she is unable to satisfactorily resolve by direct communications with the involved party or parties should contact the next level of authority in the following order: Conflict Coordinator to be routed to the Conflict Resolution Committee.

2. Members of the Conflict Resolution Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. Members of the Conflict Resolution Committee absent from a Conflict Resolution meeting will not be allowed a substitute member to sit in for them.

3. A written request shall be submitted to the Conflict Resolution Committee. Written requests that do not include the name of the party requesting a conflict resolution will not be brought before the committee. A Conflict Resolution meeting will take place within one month of the request. The committee will reach a decision within 24 hours of the hearing and will notify the Executive Board of the outcome and the involved parties by mail. All decisions will include mention of the right to appeal the decision to the South Dakota Soccer Association Conflict Committee.

4. Involved parties may bring witnesses to the hearing (up to 3 per side). If an individual feels he/she requires more than the allotted number of witnesses, he/she must have prior approval by the President and Conflict Coordinator. Conflict Resolution Committee members are encouraged to solicit input from involved individuals as needed.

5. One Conflict Resolution Committee member will be assigned as recorder to number evidence and take notes. Audio/visual recording is optional and is not accepted by US Youth Soccer Association unless transcribed.

6. If all local options have been exhausted and the situation has not been satisfactorily resolved, the individual may contact the State Registrar who will refer the matter to the State Conflict Resolution Officer (CRO) within 7 days and the CRO will attempt to mediate the dispute. If the matter is successfully resolved, the CRO will file a report and a resolution as agreed upon with the State President. If the dispute is not successfully resolved, either party of the dispute may make request for a hearing before the Conflict Resolution Committee.


1. The Conflict Coordinator, title appointed by the Board of Directors, should be the most experienced member and should be separate and distinct from the Board of Directors voting members.

2. The recorder needs to number evidence and take notes. All original documents must be saved.

3. All paperwork should be organized.

4. The Conflict Coordinator must state the rules of the hearing prior to allowing any testimony.

5. At the end of the hearing, the chairman must ask all parties if they feel that all rules have been upheld.

6. Conflict Resolution Committee members must remain courteous, listen attentively and ask questions about the evidence as it comes in.

7. Rules of the hearing will be stated by the Conflict Coordinator prior to hearing any testimony.

8. The individual that filed the petition for the hearing will present evidence first. Each participant will proceed in the following manner: opening statement, presentation of evidence, closing statement.

9. After the parties have presented their respective cases, they will be dismissed and asked to leave. The committee will remain and reach a decision or reconvene and reach a decision within twenty four (24) hours.

10. The committee will stand on one (1) final decision. Participants will be notified of the committee decision. Individual votes will not be divulged.

11. Participants may bring an attorney if they so choose. However, attorneys may not give testimony or question other witnesses. Participants or committee members acting in those capacities who happen to be attorneys are allowed to function in those capacities outlined in this procedure.

12. Conversation during the hearing will be directed through the Conflict Coordinator to avoid “fighting” during the hearing. Deliberations do not need to be recorded.

13. Red cards require no hearing if involving five (5) games or less.

14. When disciplinary action is taken, the individual must be notified that they have the right to a hearing.

15. All members of CASA will be notified at least annually of the availability of the Conflict Resolution Meeting and copies of the procedure will be provided upon request.

16. The Conflict Resolution Committee shall not overrule any policy of the SDSSA, USYS and/or US Soccer Federation.


Capital Area Soccer Association
PO Box 704 
Pierre, South Dakota 57501

Email: [email protected]

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